
7 Health Benefits Of Tamarind

Tamarind Is a widely used spice-condiment in most south asian cuisines including india and thai cooking.It also used medicinal and metal polish propose.it is cultivated around the world in tropical and subtropical zones.

Highly Nutrational Value(per cup)

  • CALORIES – 287
  • PROTEIN – 3.4 G
  • CARBS – 75G
  • FIBER – 6.1G

1. Improves Digestion.

Tamarind water is good for your digestive system due to two main reasons. For starters, it is a good laxative, which means that it stimulates the bowel movements and excretion. Secondly, Tamarind also has high dietary fiber content, which helps bulk up the stool, making it easier for it to move around. As a result, your digestive system is kept clean.

Tamarind good for heartburn it contains vitamin C which is an excellent antioxidant. Free radicals are a natural by-product of cellular metabolism and are linked with heart disease.

2. Weight Loss.

Tamarind is known to promote weight loss. This is because it is rich in hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is known to inhibit an enzyme in the body that stores all the fat. It can also help you suppress your appetite as it increases the amount of serotonin in your system.

3. Nerve function

Tamarind is that it can help with your nerve function. This is because tamarind is extremely reach in vitamin B complex and contains a lot of thiamine. Thiamine is a vital nutrient for your body. It helps stimulate nerve function and can also improve your muscle development. It helps you to remain active, have strong reflexes, and have general strength for a long time.

4. Reduce Blood Pressure

Tamarind is also very good at stimulating blood circulation.It is extremely rich in iron and having just one serving of tamarind can provide you with at least 10% of the recommended daily dosage needed.Having enough iron in your system can help you fight against anemia and all the symptoms that come with it such as headaches, weakness, fatigue, cognitive disorders, and stomach issues.

5.Tamarind for Diabetes

Tamarind is a good remedy for diabetes. It basically stops carbohydrates from being absorbed by your system. Carbohydrates, when digested, start turning into sugar or fat, which is what diabetics need to be vary of. Thus, tamarind can help you monitor and control the glucose levels in your blood, keeping your diabetes in check.

6.Strong Immune System

Tamarind contains high amounts of vitamin C, which is a known antioxidant. Antioxidants help by eliminating the free radicals present in your system. This leaves your immune system free to take care of other infections and diseases and therefore boosts your overall immunity. Free radicals can also sometimes lead to certain types of cancer, so having tamarind can help you protect yourself from that as well.

7.Tamarind Skin Benifits

Tamarind pulp contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), which are known for their exfoliating properties. They unclog the pores, reduce age-related spots and blemishes, and keep your skin clear.

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